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People and Landscapes of the Chrysochou Valley Elisabeth Childs was born in Germany in 1942 and lived most of her early life at Sögeln in farming country near the town of Bramsche, just north of the city of Osnabrück. After a brief try at doing technical, archaeological photography, she found her calling in producing the pictures for her book, People and Landscapes of the Chrysochou Valley & The Princeton University Excavations, 1983–2008. (Nicosia: Moufflon Publications, 2012). A selection of these pictures are on display here. |
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Architectural Photography in Colonial India: A Selection of Images from the Ananda K. Coomaraswamy Archive This exhibition is the second of two devoted to the photographic collection of the Indian art historian and scholar Ananda K. Coomaraswamy (1877–1947). While the first focused on ethnographic scenes from Southeast Asia, the current selection highlights the architecture of India, another major component of his collection. Coomaraswamy’s archive is a manifestation of the burgeoning study of Indian art, archaeology, and architecture during the 19th and early 20th centuries, of which he was a major proponent. |
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The Art Historian as Ethnographer: Photographs from the Ananda K. Coomaraswamy Archive Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy, a self-taught art historian with a Ph.D. in geology, is best known as a scholar of Indian art and civilization. Coomaraswamy amassed a large collection of ethnographic prints, each of which portrays some aspect of a people’s life. Produced by photographic firms and studios operating in the region, the prints in the archive include portraits and genre scenes; photographs of craftsmen and laborers; and images of dancers, musicians, and entertainers. For Coomaraswamy, these images were a means of preserving a culture and disseminating information about a people and lifestyle. The photographs in this exhibition were taken between the 1860s and the 1940s by Coomaraswamy and other photographers and are now part of the Coomaraswamy archive in the Research Photographs Collection of the Department of Art and Archaeology. |
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Egyptian Art in Context An exhibition of late nineteenth and early twentieth century photographs of Egyptian art and architecture in which the central theme is “context”. |
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Global Views: Nineteenth Century Travel Photographs This exhibition of vintage photographs provides a glimpse of the golden age of travel photography in the second half of the nineteenth century, when the concurrent development of photography and tourism produced an impressive body of images produced by the some of the nineteenth century’s leading photographers. |
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The Monastery of St. Catherine at Mount Sinai The Monastery of St. Catherine at Mount Sinai is one of the best-known early monastic establishments. Situated in the barren wilderness of the Sinai Peninsula, the monastery is dominated by the mighty massif of Mt. Sinai (Jebel Musa) where, according to the Biblical tradition, Moses received the Tablets of the Law from God. The exhibition was organized to commemorate Kurt Weitzmann (1904-93) and the Princeton-Michigan expedition to Mt. Sinai. Weitzmann, professor of art and archaeology at Princeton (1945-72) and his colleague George Forsyth, then professor at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), organized a series of expeditions (1956-65) to Mount Sinai, with the aim of studying the Monastery of St. Catherine and its treasures. The results of these expeditions, published in several volumes on the architecture of the monastery and the church, the mosaics, icons, and manuscripts, have made a major impact on the course of study of Byzantine art. |
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A. S. Pennoyer and the Monuments Men Albert Sheldon Pennoyer, a California artist and captain in the U.S. Army, served with the MFAA in Italy from 1944 to 1945. Issued a Leica camera, and a car and driver, he traveled the front lines photographing fellow monuments officers assessing damage to landmarks and performing emergency restoration. |
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An Accidental Tourist in Post World War II Japan |
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The Expeditions to Antioch on the Orontes Although Antioch was mentioned in many literary sources, very little was known about the physical city until 1932, when a consortium of institutions led by Princeton University conducted the first of seven seasons of excavations that would eventually uncover a remarkable wealth of finds, expanding our knowledge of the metropolis and its culture. Despite the challenges posed by the fact that much of the ancient city had been buried by up to 10 meters of soil washed down from the slopes of Mount Silpios, which towers above the town at the east, the excavations there and in the surrounding area were able to uncover the remains of more than 80 buildings, including two theaters, six public baths, a hippodrome, and two major churches. In addition to these public buildings, some of the porticoed streets for which Antioch was famous in antiquity, were unearthed, along with numerous residential structures. |
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Pasts Presents Futures: 125 Years of Art and Archaeology at Princeton University A glimpse of the past, a nod to the present, and a look to the future of the Department of Art and Archaeology as it celebrates 125 years as a pinnacle of culture at Princeton University. (1877-2007) |
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Polis Chrysochous The modern village of Polis Chrysochous lies at the west end of the island of Cyprus at the mouth of an intermittent river called the Chrysochou. Princeton University began a survey of the area of in 1983; the excavation began in 1984 and continues today. |
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The House in Late Antique Syria Howard Crosby Butler, Princeton professor of Art and Archaeology and the founder of the School of Architecture, led a series of archaeological expeditions to Syria (1899-1900, 1904-5, and 1909). The collective aim was to record the remains of ancient buildings and settlements. The results of those expeditions were published in several volumes that remain standard research tools for the study of late antique architecture in Syria. Many of the photographs and drawings made by Butler a century ago constitute unique documentation of the buildings, some of which have long since disappeared. This exhibition, a selection of Butler’s original photographs and drawings from the Department of Art and Archaeology’s Research Photograph Collections, highlights Syrian residential architecture between the fourth and sixth century. |
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Morgantina Excavations at Morgantina were carried out from 1955 to 1963 and 1966 to 1967 by the Princeton University Archaeological Expedition to Sicily under the joint directorship of Professors Erik Sjöqvist and Richard Stillwell. From 1968 to 1972, Hubert L. Allen *69, professor of classics, University of Illinois, continued the excavations under the auspices of the jointly sponsored Illinois-Princeton Morgantina Expedition. William A. P. Childs ’64, 72*, professor of classical art and archaeology at Princeton University, served as a trench master in 1966 and as field director in 1978 and 1979. In 1989, Malcolm Bell III, ’63, 72*, professor of art history at the University of Virginia, took over the supervision of the excavations. Today the excavations at Morgantina remain under the direction of Malcolm Bell and Carla Antonaccio *87, professor of classical studies at Duke University. |